The Rainy Day

Title: The Rainy Day

Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Author's Background: Born on February 27, 1807, in Portland, Maine, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow became a Harvard scholar versed in several European languages. He was heavily influenced by Romanticism and made a name as a poet and novelist with works like Hyperion, Evangeline, Poems on Slavery and The Song of Hiawatha. He was also known for his translation of Dante's The Divine Comedy. Longfellow died on March 24, 1882, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Short Analysis: There is always time in our life when we realize that those days are gone. The days go out and play, those days of happiness we felt and those days shielded from the real world. We need to renew our hope, youth, and grief to show how much our past and future experiences affect our lives.


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