My Father Goes To Court
source: Title: My Father Goes To Court Author: Carlos Bulusan Author's Background: Carlos Sampayan Bulosan (November 24, 1913 - September 11, 1956) was an English-language Filipino novelist and poet who spent most of his life in the United States. His best-known work today is the semi-autobiographical America Is in the Heart , but he first gained fame for his 1943 essay on The Freedom from Want . source: Vocabulary: Anaemic - suffering from anaemia. Robust - strong and healthy. Molave - is a medium size tree which grows to 15 meters. Feeble - very weak. Morose - very serious, unhappy, and quiet. source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary Characters: The Young Narrator - the son of the Father The Father - the young narrator's Father The Young Narrator's siblings The Rich Man - who filed a complaint against the Narrator's family T...